Monday, October 6, 2008

It has been a while

It has been a while since I have written, gosh, a year? Maybe more, it just goes to show how big the internet is if it can manage to afford to keep this blog on line and not mind that it is basically useless. I have been teaching this year at Heritage Christian again, (this by the way is the only job I have kept for more than two years) so I am excited. Maybe brealing the norm is on the horizon.

My parents are coming this week, this is always a treat, Just hanging out with them and learning fromt hem and enjoying them as they enjoy my kids. My Son Zeke is probably the newest edition to the mayhem at my house and although i have 3 kids, a son is much different then the girls. He has been sick and unlike the girls he needs extra care, he is so helpless and dependent when he is sick, My wife says that that is a "boy thing", She notes that when I am sick, I am helpless too. Our daughters on the other hand are much more independent.

What I have been finding out though is justhow much I love this little guy. I mean he is the cutest boy in the world. But really I have noticed that I am understanding more and more about how much God not only loves me but how much he loves His son Jesus. I would easily die for my son in a second, but your son? I don't think so, So I would die for my son in a second, but think of this, would I let my son die for one of my daughters? i do not know, But I do know this, I would nnot let my son die for you, no offense to all 3 of you who read this, but let's face it he is my son.

God let His only son die for me, not even Himself or He for His son, but He let His son die for me.... And it is not even like I appreciated it. I maybe could begin to think about letting my son die possibly for someone who appreciated it, But in reagrds to a generation that is perverse and rejecting of what I am considering to allow happen to my only son, no way.

I also know that God allowed His son to die for me when I did not even love Him. As I look down at Zeke and see him and wonder about the man he will become, I bet God was thinking about that in the garden so long ago. "What shall we do lest they become like US and eat of the tree of life and live forever", God has this talk with himself and decides that day to fix what we broke, what man and woman broke. As for me if I was Elohim I would have to pass, I would possibly destroy them and start over, But God promises the man while he is cursing the snake that he will send a "Seed" through the woman to fix what had been broken. That day God made a promise to break that sweet perfect relationship with Himself and allow his son to be killed, But the Son went willingly. He went willingly. I understand so much better now how much God loves me and His son, and my son as well.


TroyTheCoop said...

I have been checking this blog daily for almost a year now and am delighted to have a new entry from MVW. Your entry today got me thinking...especially the part about giving up your son for those who despises and rejected him. The thought you proposed of having to give up your son for Molly or Magster...that is profound. I don't know if I could even do that...let alone others.
I love how the Lord allows us to understand Him better through the living out of human relationships. Father/Son. Husband/Wife along with the Son and His Bride (the Church). He is deep yet accessible because He makes Himself accessible (I am often closed). He is omnipotent yet He pursues us (I am SO lazy). I am beyond thankful for a God who is merciful and patient with me.

Lastly, I love the are an incredible dad

hunter sharpless said...

Vander Wiele,

Dude, I'm in Iowa City and if I had a car I would totally trip to Indy. Liked reading your blog, you are smart and we desperately need people like you. I wish I had a son, but I need a wife first. Shit, there are probably like 3 women in this world who could put up with me, oh well. Later man.
