Thursday, October 16, 2008

Fallen Prey to Nicknames

You know I have always been one of those people that was never a big fan of nicknames, I mean everyone has them, the problem is that they are not your real name, they are some stupid name that has evolved due to some prominent story or happening ones life that results in a nickname, My great friend Carlos for example, his name (nickname) is Bumper, I mean that is how most people know him, I love that name, I only know one bumper. Here is a kid who bumped his head alot as a kid, so his loving parents Carlos and Martha or maybe it was Jay or Michelle decided to call him bumper. But what about those stupid names that we give our kids, Here is where I have fallen prey to the nicknames. We spent hours trying to come up with the perfect names for our kids, like names that are significant to us, and I have found that we call them not by their names any more but by ridiculous names, in fact there may even be a way we say the nick name by like raising our voice or talking in a baby voice, I am so guilty of this. Any way here is a break down of what I have been guilty of in regards to nicknames.

First of all My oldest daughter Molly has the nick name Rooter, Now this nickname was cute when she was 3 months old, (due to the fact that she always would "root" for food, those of you that understand know what I mean, she breast fed, so whenever you would touch her cheek she would swing her head around in that direction and well, root for a breast, ya know, boob, milk) anyway we still call her that and it is so funny. Hey Rooter! I mean what are we really saying when we call her that, "Hey are you looking for milk still"! You get the idea. A few others have been: Molly Mc Butter, Molls, Squirrel, Molly girl, etc

Maggie is our second oldest, her nick name is scooter, she used to scoot around on the floor, that name is not so bad but we most often call her "The Magster" like a title, Like "Hey how is the Magster today" as if she is some object of deity or something, Hey little Magster. Next it has morphed into "Magpie", so we are very guilty of nick names

Last but not least is Ezekiel, His name "Zeke" is based after my Grandpa "Clarence" who (get this) has the nick name Zeke, so my son's name is Ezekiel but we call him Zeke named after my Gramps who is Clarence. His nicknames are out of control because my daughters have given him an enormous amount of silly names. One day watching Cinderella, during the song that says, "Cinderelli Cinderelli night and day its Cinderelli" (THis is where the mice are singing etc.") My daughter starts to call Zeke "Monkatelli" MONK- A- Telli, I asked her what is that from, she answered, "the song on Cinderelli that goes, Cinderelli Cinderelli Monkatelli Cinderelli" So there you have it Monka telli was born, Now Monka telli has morphed in to just "MONK" and then "MONK MONK" and now "Tellamonkey" and finally "Monkey", last but not least and I hope this is the end of this but we have managed to morphe this name finally to just "Telly"

You may ask why all the nick names, but honestly it is probably not the nicknames themselves but rather how we pronounce the nicknames in stupid voices, High pitched baby voices that we would probably think are totally appropriate in the confines of our house, but I ask you, would you be caught dead singing that voice in public or around your peers? My wife will often say. "Matt sing the new song you made up for telly"! Are you kidding!!!

I never thought I would say this but I have fallen prey to the nicknames...


Unknown said...

So funny! I love having nicknames for the kids. The best too is making them have voices and talking them when they are too little to do so themselves in the confines of your own home.

Get this! So we closed on our house on Friday and had to go meet with the lawyers all dressed in suits and very serious setting. We had to bring Sophs so I could feed her if she needed to eat. One of the lawyers said something about her and Gabe without thinking started to talk her back in the voice we have for her. I nearly lost it! He just kinda looked at us strange. From then on I couldn't look at Gabe without almost losing it. You know how you feel in church when you can't laugh but is on the verge of losing it totally. That was me!

I love Monk Monk, and more how it came to be with Molly and Cinderella. So cute

hunter sharpless said...

i like this because it's so funny that Bumper was such a freak child