My life is basically consisting of a job in which I try so desperately to keep my students in the present tense, I mean there bodies are here, sitting in class or lounging on the couch, but their minds are far from them. It is interesting how obsessed we are with the future and the past, yet fail to grasp what it is that we so passionately desire: tangible, physical, interacting, stimulating, painful, and emotional relationship right now, present tense.
While I observe students at one particular place "experiencing" something they are usually on their I- phones or Blackberries or ear pieces expectantly wondering and conspiring to whatever the next best thing is. While all this is happening, life is passing them by and relationship is missed to its utter demise.
Jesus had an interesting conversation with Peter, Thomas and Philip at one point toward the end of Jesus' ministry. They were so concerned with the next best thing, this of course was the anticipation of God's Kingdom. Oh how they wanted to go with Him, to find Heaven, the next best thing, the next great future. They were so concerned about the future it thwarted their understanding of what Jesus was telling them and most importantly where is Heaven? Where is the Kingdom? Where does true realtionship exist?
Jesus announces that He must be going, going where? Away to fulfill the greatest promise that has ever been made, and thank goodness for that one, YHWH's promise to fix us and pursue us and redeem us.
Peter wants to go with him, Jesus says you can't. Thomas says, "Well if we cannot join you, tell us the way and we will come later." Jesus says "I am the way, you are standing on me". "The future you are so afraid of missing out on is right now in front of you." Philip finalizes the misunderstanding and asks, "well if we cannot come and you will not show us the way, give us a taste of what we can expect." "Show us the Father"! Jesus pulls all of the past present and the future together in one of the greatest verses in all scripture, "Philip, do you not know by now that if you have seen me, you have seen the Father."
There is only one place true relationship resides, and that it right now, present tense. There are no relationships happening in the past, they have already happened or failed, maybe due to the fact that when you were in those relationships you were always somewhere else cognitively. There are no relationships in the future, they have not happened yet. And what would our motive be for starting a new relationship?
The devil does an excellent job of allowing and helping us to comfortably live in the past and the future. When we live in the past and future we are useless in the present. This view also stems from a screwed up view of heaven. (It is called Christoplatonism, but that is for another day)Heaven, the pie in the sky, that far off place we are trying to get to, that spiritual place where we will all be in these big multi- purpose buildings with not enough chairs listening to worship music and eating papa johns pizza. (I really hope not)
According to Jesus wherever God and man reside together is where Heaven is... That is what made the Garden paradise, not the fruit, but the relationship. That is why Jesus' ministry so sweet for his disciples, the relationship. So here is the kicker, can we experience Heaven right now, present tense? What does Jesus say, "I am giving you someone that is better then me to help you now" The Helper is the Holy Spirit. Yes we can.
Right now, hey its your tomorrow, right now, come on its everything, right now, what are you waiting, catch that magic moment,and do it right here and now, right now, its right now, its what's happening...
Repent for the Kingdom of God is right now, Don't you know Philip that if you have seen me you have already seen the Father.. What are you waiting for? Relationship is right now. Present tense.