Well for many of you it has seemed as if I have fallen off the face of the earth. I went to NY for the summer and then returned and have yet to update this thing called "blog". I have been spending a lot of time with my family and studying for my classes. I signed on to another year of teaching at Heritage Christian school again, I was asked back and that is always a good sign.
I have been teaching "God's Will" or better put the topic of God's Will in my classes. If you were to ask just about anyone what God's will is for their lives you may get answers like, : "It is God's will for me to glorify him, or Serve others, or minister to others, lead others to Him. All legitimate things. But a thread that i found that runs through all of their answers is that the question arises "how do you do that" I mean how do you glorify God as a 16 year old let alone a 31 year old, or how do you serve Him?
What if we were too concerned about a "specific will" for our lives from God and ignored all the general wills He gives for us as believers in His word. What if we focused more on the general wills for our lives as believers, (and by the way pick one to work on and it will take you all of your life) and not so much on the specific will for our individual life. It is interesting but the Bible does not lay out "specific" wills for our lives, I do not see my name in there, do you? What I do see is a plethora of wills that are general for all believers, you know the same for all, the same for everybody.
What if the general wills were "prerequisites" for the specific will, what if to find the specific will for your life you needed to take the prerequisites course work first. I mean it makes sense. how can you walk before you can crawl?
What if we put so much emphasis on "specifics" and no emphasis on generals that we made the specifics more difficult than they really were.
If my daughter and I went into a candy store and she said "dad can I have some candy?" what do you think I would say? She might say, "I do not know what I want, snickers or reeses?" I would say, "get whatever YOU want", What if God's specific will for was the accessibility to anything our hearts wanted if we took the general wills more seriously. I would not say, "Oh you want reeses? Here, here's a snickers, and your eating the wrapper too!? " No I would get her what she wanted, why would God give us a stone if we asked for a fish or some bread?
What if God's word is true when he says, seek my kingdom first and all the detailed specific stuff will be added to you! What if God was like, "I do not care which college you go to, " pick one, "which one do YOU like"? I mean if you have been seeking him through the general wills any way, would you not be in tune with him anyway?
What are these general will s anyway, well 1. God wills for all to believe and know the truth, we call that in our culture, "getting saved" (Timothy), interesting I wonder how fogged up God's will could be for us if we thought we knew him and we did not!, or 2. it is God's will that we are "living sacrifices",(romans) or 3. This is God's will you Sanctification: that you abstain from sexual immorality, (Thess)4. it is God's will to submit to authority(Peter), 5. It is God's will to be filled with the Holy Spirit! you get the point(eph)
What if God's specific will for our lives could be whatever we want if we take the prerequisites first, seeking his kingdom and obeying, then the detailed decision would be added to us. Now go decide!